The Patient Participation Group aims to provide and improve communications between the surgery and patients to the benefit of them both. The group has been in existence since 2011 and continues to grow and develop. We want to hear your views about the local NHS services and your experiences of using them. There are opportunities to collaborate with other PPGs, NHS Kernow and a variety of community based groups throughout East Cornwall with a view to shaping better primary care services locally.
Structure of the PPG
The PPG is open to all patients registered at the practice and we actively encourage interest from as many patients as possible, the wider the participation, the more influential we can be.
We communicate regularly via email and this may suit patients who may just want to be “virtual” members, so you have the opportunity to be involved, and informed, without the need to attend the meetings.
We aim to hold an informal event each year so that patients of the surgery have opportunity to meet each other, share experiences and help decide what the important issues are for the PPG to take forward.
Of course we do need a committee to plan and run things for the wider group of patients and this committee currently meets 6-8 times each year, this might increase if we are working on a specific project. Any registered patient can put themselves forward to be part of this committee.
Committee members
We also have certain committee members who are post holders within the group.
Current post holders are:
- Main contacts: Peter Thistlethwaite
- Secretary: Dave Bamber
PPG minutes and membership forms
We actively encourage new members to our PPG so if you would like to get involved please let us know. Membership of the group does not necessarily mean attending meetings, there is the opportunity to be involved by becoming a “virtual” member. This means you can be kept up to date and also voice your opinion by becoming part of our email group. However you might want to participate, please view the Terms of reference (PDF) for the group and complete our PPG Registration form.
If you would like to view older minutes (dating back to 2011) or would to get in contact, please contact the practice or email us, we welcome your comments and feedback.
PPG news, projects and campaigns
Join our Patient Participation Group
All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.
Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.
To join:
- fill out a Patient Participation Group registration form
- email us on
- phone us on 01752 840115
You can also leave a private written note for us at reception, or use our postbox in the community kitchen, 8 Fore Street, Saltash. We are always keen to receive feedback from patients.